ENSTA Bretagne : étudiants en visite d'entreprise aux Chantiers de l'Atlantique à St Nazaire
© Chantiers de l'Atlantique

Student engineers visit companies

At the beginning of this year, there have been numerous company visits on the ENSTA Bretagne students’ program. Renault, Chantiers de l’Atlantique, DGA, SSF…exceptionally, have opened their doors and presented their activities: production, research, development…

Company visits are an important part of the masters, specialized masters and student engineers’ training. They enable them to discover the internal workings of a company, its trades, the context in which the payroll works…

Thus, it is an opportunity for the student engineers to rub shoulders with professionals and picture themselves in their future professional life.

For the 2018/2019 school year, there are numerous company visits on the agenda. Here are a few examples:


A heartfelt thank you from ENSTA Bretagne to all those organizations and teams who received our students.