Echanges avec les étudiants de la 1ère promotion du Mastère spécialisé Management de Projets Maritimes - Maintenance des navires

Launching of the Specialized Advanced Master of Science degree in Maritime Project Management/Ship Maintenance

Engineering and Business Science
The 17 students in the first class of the Specialized Advanced Master of Science degree® in "Maritime Project Management and Ship Maintenance" - a 6 years’ higher education degree accredited by the Conference of the French institution of higher education (Conférence des Grandes Écoles) in spring 2021 - began their studies in Brest on Monday, September 13.
ENSTA Bretagne ; Discours d'accueil ENSTA Bretagne et Ecole Navale pour la rentrée du Mastère Spécialisé Management de Projets Maritimes - Maintenance des navires

The specialized advanced Master of Science degree in "maritime project management" offered since 2018 by ENSTA Bretagne is being expanded to include "ship maintenance" in co-accreditation with the Ecole navale

A specialized advanced Master is a one-year course, open to students with a Master of Science degree or good experience, allowing specialization in a particularly dynamic professional field.

This 6-year degree is awarded jointly by ENSTA Bretagne and the Ecole navale and is accredited as a "Specialized Advanced Master of Science degree®" by the Conference of the French institution of higher education (Conférence des Grandes Ecoles). 50% of the students come from a more general background and want to specialize in order to be able to enter the maritime field, 50% are doing professional retraining, and all have in common a marked interest for the naval sector and project management.

The class includes many international students. Six different nationalities will be represented in this class.

This course prepares future managers of maritime projects and ship maintenance programs by giving them the keys needed at all stages of projects (from analysis of needs to assessment), while placing subjects in their context (national or international, public or private). 
1-year course in 2 stages


1-year course in 2 stages

The course is organized as two semesters:

ENSTA Bretagne ; Rentrée du Mastère Spécialisé Management de Projets Maritimes - Maintenance des navires

The program manager for ENSTA Bretagne, Vivien Majorel:

The Specialized Advanced Master of Science degree in Maritime Project Management has been offered since 2018 and already has a community of alumni and partners who are very attached to the course. The adding of a "ship maintenance" component allows us to expand our training offer and to further establish this course in the maritime sector.

Solène Rovarc’h, responsible for the course at the Ecole navale:

The aim of the "Ship Maintenance" major is to train experts to meet the challenges of ship repair and providing a fleet with through-life support in a dynamic, demanding maritime sector. This new course comprises an initial academic semester that includes a large number of participants from the professional world and public and private partners, followed by a second semester of work experience in a company. This first class of eight students, half French and half international, is the culmination of a project initiated in 2019 aiming to promote national know-how in this field on an international scale.


Admissions Coordinator (French students)
Adelaïde Gaudron
+33 (0)2 98 34 87 01


Zacharie Malicoutis
Project manager - Incoming mobility