ENSTA Bretagne : 3e workshop sur le projet HOLI-D Blue

HOLI-D BLUE: addressing the maritime environmental and societal challenges

Human and Social Sciences
Supported by ISblue and led by ENSTA Bretagne, HOLI-D Blue is a “holistic engineering education scheme for understanding and addressing the maritime environmental and societal challenges”. A number of contributors are involved in this cross-cutting educational project which was set in motion six months ago. An initial pilot scheme will be implemented in the fall of 2022

The HOLI-D Blue project sets out to jointly develop a cross-cutting and interdisciplinary "Maritime & sustainability" option with a view to empowering students with intellectual tools and technical skills for tackling these environmental and societal issues shaping the maritime sphere by first understanding the implications then taking action with greater awareness of the impact of their activities.

A jointly developed project

Since October 2021, three workshops and a series of interviews have been held for the purposes of: 

  • Identifying which modules in the ENSTA Bretagne general engineering education syllabus already factor in these environmental and societal challenges
  • Defining what skills are currently lacking, and developing them
  • Determining the expectations in terms of practical uptake and use of academic knowledge and of the professional project
ENSTA Bretagne : Echanges interdisciplinaires sur la construction du projet HOLI-D Blue

The project as a whole relies on a group of teaching and administrative staff, businesses, student associations, students and Alumni. Each member brings their own perspective and experience to enhance the exchanges.

From the start of the 2022-2023 academic year, a pilot scheme will be implemented to gradually add additional components to the syllabus linked to sustainability and to utilize the skills acquired in this area.

The whole scheme and process, including the assessment of measures taken, will then be shared with the ISblue community with a view to rolling HOLI-D Blue out in other maritime courses.