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Area(s) of expertise
Field(s) of application
  • Defense and Security
  • Marine environment
  • IT
  • Teaching
  • Research contracts with industry
  • Creation of educational tools
Teaching missions presentation
Development of educational tools to make tutorials/practical work more dynamic and to facilitate evaluation
Current courses: dynamic modeling of mobile robots, visual servoing, inverse kinematics, embedded Linux, applied systems engineering, sensors, digital electronics, introduction to robotics, field robotics camp
Older courses: artificial intelligence, underwater acoustics, sonar systems
Research missions presentation
Research contracts in industrial collaborations in the field of marine robotics and underwater acoustics.

The question studied is not "how does climate change affect the oceans?" but the opposite "how do the oceans act on the climate?"

To try to answer this question, the research work aims to improve the knowledge of ocean dynamics. By its surface and especially its volume, the ocean is a major actor of influence on the evolution of the Earth's climate. Measurements represent only a small part of the volume of the oceans and the sea floor.

In an attempt to better measure the ocean, research is focused on the realization of coordinated fleets of low cost robots capable of measuring the ocean 24-7. The main topics of study are the coordination and the ability to guarantee the execution of the mission. A second important topic is the dynamic modeling of robot groups.
Most recent publications

On the influence of bed roughness on saltation in inertial regime

Gaspard Minster, France Floc'H, Alexandre Valance, Nicolas Le Dantec, Amandine Nicolle, Benoit Zerr

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2024, 49 (4), pp.1303-1315. ⟨10.1002/esp.5767⟩

Embedded Imaging Sonar Simulator for AUV Localisation

Pierre Narvor, Benoit Zerr

OCEANS 2023 - Limerick, Jun 2023, Limerick, Ireland. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/OCEANSLimerick52467.2023.10244667⟩

Application of seafloor backscattering strength estimators to echosounder measurement at sea

Irène Mopin, Gilles Le Chenadec, Michel Legris, Philippe Blondel, Jacques Marchal, Benoit Zerr

International Conference of Underwater Acoustic ICUA 2022, Jun 2022, Southampton, United Kingdom

Design and field testing of a non-linear single-beam echosounder for multi-frequency seabed characterization

Irène Mopin, Jacques Marchal, Michel Legris, Gilles Le Chenadec, Philippe Blondel, Benoit Zerr

Applied Acoustics, 2022, 187, pp.108490. ⟨10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.108490⟩

Kleene Algebra to Compute Invariant Sets of Dynamical Systems

Thomas Le Mézo, Luc Jaulin, Damien Massé, Benoit Zerr

Algorithms, 2022, 15 (3), pp.90. ⟨10.3390/a15030090⟩