ENSTA Bretagne : Tutorat entre étudiants

Students are helping each other out

ENSTA Bretagne
Since classes on-campus are only partially authorized, for several months now remote learning has been the norm for a majority of students. To help overcome the sense of loneliness and loss of motivation that some of them are experiencing, a tutoring system between students has been set up at ENSTA Bretagne in recent weeks: peer-led solidarity that is wholly worthwhile and appreciated.

Coline, Nicolas and Maxime are just some of the students who immediately signed up for this initiative, keen to support those who are struggling. They, along with others, have responded to the call launched by the "AcOr" team (which stands for Academic Support & Careers Guidance / Training Department).

This mutual support can be on a one-off or more regular basis, depending on the students’ requests. Some tutors can help out on specific subjects, such as maths or mechanical engineering… to address any academic difficulties, while others can provide practical tips (such as how to organize your day better, spread your workload out or give yourself breaks). These sessions give students who reach out, constructive advice, empathy and attentive support, which all helps to create a positive momentum going forward.

This new initiative has already borne fruit: "Yesterday I got in touch with a guy who volunteered to give some maths help. Even though he was really busy, he was able to give me some really useful advice that helped me for the maths test today”.

This scheme will continue for as long as necessary. It is helping to recreate the sense of community that is so unique to engineering school programs, especially at ENSTA Bretagne where, fortunately, some tutorials and practicals are still able to take place in person.



Sylvie Guidal
Welcome, Counseling, Orientation
Student Counselor
Contact Person for Disabled Students
Office: F107B
+33 (02) 98 34 88 63