ENSTA Bretagne : Journées du cloud 2021

The Cloud Days, November 25-26, 2021

Design of Computing Systems
The Cloud Days brought together 80 participants at ENSTA Bretagne. These researchers shared their work that aims to improve virtualized data storage devices, in a context of strong, continuous growth in needs and requirements: performance, reliability, energy efficiency, etc.

These annual days were set up at the initiative of researchers from the CNRS and associated laboratories, and more specifically from the “networks and distributed systems” research group (groupe de recherche “réseaux et systèmes distribués”, GdR RSD).

By bringing together French academic and industrial players, the scientific community is preparing for the Cloud of the future and its major trends. This involved, for example, the following:

  • the contribution of virtualized networks and 5G,
  • software platforms for the efficient management of geodistributed Clouds,
  • digital architectures applied to the defense field, etc.

For further information visit: https://journeescloud2021.github.io/

The 2021 edition was organized on the ENSTA Bretagne campus, combining face-to-face and video conferencing sessions. Thanks go to the organizers: