ENSTA Bretagne : Médaille de reconnaissance Covid-19 délivrée par le SDIS 29

Awarding of a Covid recognition medal by the Finistère firefighters

ENSTA Bretagne
In March 2020, ENSTA Bretagne and many other makers from Brest and the Finistère department worked together to design and manufacture visors providing protection against the risks of contamination by the Covid-19 virus. This equipment has been very useful to health care and emergency services teams.
Last Saturday, on October 2, the initiative was honored by the departmental union of Finistère firefighters (union départementale des sapeurs-pompiers du Finistère) during the national firefighters day, in Châteauneuf-du-Faou.
ENSTA Bretagne : Remise d'une médaille de reconnaissance Covid-19 au directeur de l'ENSTA Bretagne

The work of your institution and the many volunteers during the first wave of the COVID 19 health crisis was remarkable. In a period of restricted supply of protective facilities, you thus donated visors to Finistère firemen and to many other participants in our department. The departmental union of Finistère firefighters (Union Départementale des Sapeurs-Pompiers du Finistère), in conjunction with the Chancellery of the Finistère fire and emergency services department (Chancellerie du Service Départemental d’Incendie et de Secours du Finistère), has thus decided to award the COVID federal medal of recognition to your institution.

ENSTA Bretagne, along with all the staff who initiated this action, would like to thank all the makers who contributed to the protection of the emergency services teams.