ENSTA Bretagne participe à la Nuit européenne des chercheurs 2023

European Researchers’ Night 2023

ENSTA Bretagne
The theme of this new edition of European Researchers’ Night is "No(s) futur(s)" In Brest, with the Océanopolis aquariums as a background, numerous researchers will be sharing their missions and passion for science with the public at large.

An ENSTA Bretagne team of researchers from the Lab-STICC laboratory will be hosting an underwater sound journey.

The public will be invited to acquaint themselves with the oceans’ acoustic riches and tasked with identifying and classifying the sounds they hear during their expedition.
The presentation will highlight the work carried out on passive acoustics at Lab-STICC on the ENSTA Bretagne campus, in partnership with many other laboratories.

All practical information will be provided on the Océanopolis website.