-- load pack library -- must have been added previoulsy in V-REP folder -- if not done yet, see tutorial ... require ("pack") bpack=string.pack bunpack=string.unpack -- define socket portNb = 33211 serverOn = false connexionTimeout = 0.001 -- set 1 ms time out socket=require("socket") srv = nil clt1 = nil nCharMessage = 10 function sysCall_threadmain() -- initialization -- get left and right motors handles leftMotor = sim.getObjectHandle("MotorLeft") rightMotor = sim.getObjectHandle("MotorRight") -- control loop while true do -- get simulation time at beginning of the loop simTime = sim.getSimulationTime() -- if server is not running, start it if not serverOn then printToConsole ("not connected") srv = assert(socket.bind('',portNb)) if (srv==nil) then printToConsole ("bad connect") else printToConsole ("get socket") ip, port = srv:getsockname() printToConsole ("server ok at "..ip.." on port "..port) serverOn = true printToConsole ("connexion granted !!! ") end end -- if server is running, accept command and send back status if serverOn then -- to prevent lock on accept, a timeout is set srv:settimeout(connexionTimeout) clt1 = srv:accept() if clt1 ~= nil then -- to prevent lock, a timeout is set --clt1:settimeout(connexionTimeout) -- get the data (command) from the client dataIn = clt1:receive(nCharMessage) if dataIn ~= nil then -- unpack the received data with following format : -- char : first synchro char 'A' -- char : second synchro char 'Z' -- float : speed left -- float : speed right nrd1,ch1,ch2,speedLeft,speedRight = bunpack(dataIn,"AAff") if ch1 ~= 'A' or ch2 ~= 'Z' then print ("bad data from py client ...") else -- apply the command sim.setJointTargetVelocity(leftMotor,speedLeft) sim.setJointTargetVelocity(rightMotor,speedRight) end -- prepare the status to send back the client : -- simulation time and wheel angular position (radians) wheelAngleLeft = sim.getJointPosition(leftMotor) wheelAngleRight = sim.getJointPosition(rightMotor) ch1 = 'A' -- sync code 1 ch2 = 'Z' -- sync code 2 -- pack the status data dataPacked = bpack("AAfff",ch1,ch2,simTime,wheelAngleLeft,wheelAngleRight) -- Send the status data back to the client: clt1:send(dataPacked) else printToConsole ("no data") end clt1:close() end end end end function sysCall_cleanup() -- Put some clean-up code here end