from bpy import context, data, ops import math from mathutils import geometry def def_track_1(): pts=[] pts.append([ 0.0, 0.0,0.0,30.0,20.0]) # x,y,z,turn0,turn1 pts.append([ 0.0, 160.0,0.0,20.0,20.0]) pts.append([ 100.0, 200.0,0.0,20.0,20.0]) pts.append([ 180.0, 0.0,5.0,20.0,10.0]) pts.append([-180.0, -50.0,5.0,10.0,10.0]) pts.append([-180.0,-160.0,0.0,10.0,20.0]) pts.append([ 0.0,-200.0,0.0,10.0,30.0]) # define the number of basis points fro the circular bezier curve # ncut is the number of subdivision n0=len(pts) ncut = 1 over_sample = 4 # define over sampling factor to have a smoother curve while True: npt_bez = 4*(ncut+1) # compute the number of beziers points if npt_bez > over_sample*n0: break # exit if subdivision is enough ncut += 1 npt = npt_bez # each side of the polygon is reduce at its beginning and at its end to let space for the curves # a vertex of the polygon is defined by 5 values : xv,yv,zv,turn0,turn1 # (xv,yv,zv) are the coordinates of the vertex, # turn0 is the place left for the curve before reaching the vertex # turn1 is the place left for the curve after passing the vertex # we compute points (x,y,z) at the begining and at the end of each curve # also compute the left (xhl,yhl,zhl) and right (xhr,yhr,zhr) handlers to define the tangent to the bezier curve x,y,z,xhl,yhl,zhl,xhr,yhr,zhr = def_track_curves(pts) # define how many points are on each segment of the track t_cnt = def_points_in_segments(npt,x,y) # compute all points that will define the bezier curve of the track lpts = [] n = len(x) for i0 in range(n): i1 = (i0+1) % n new_pts = geometry.interpolate_bezier( (x[i0],y[i0],z[i0]), (xhr[i0],yhr[i0],zhr[i0]), (xhl[i1],yhl[i1],zhl[i1]), (x[i1],y[i1],z[i1]), t_cnt[i0]+1) # trick : compute one more points to avoid duplicate of the first for ipt in range(len(new_pts)-1): pt =new_pts[ipt+1] lpts.append([pt.x,pt.y,pt.z]) nptl = len(lpts) return ncut,nptl,lpts def def_track_curves (pts): n0=len(pts) xhl = [] yhl = [] zhl = [] xhr = [] yhr = [] zhr = [] x=[] y=[] z=[] for i0 in range(n0): i1 = (i0+1) % n0 x0 = pts[i0][0] y0 = pts[i0][1] z0 = pts[i0][2] x1 = pts[i1][0] y1 = pts[i1][1] z1 = pts[i1][2] l = math.sqrt((x0-x1)**2+(y0-y1)**2+(z0-z1)**2) dla = pts[i0][4] dlb = pts[i1][3] xa = x0+dla*(x1-x0)/l ya = y0+dla*(y1-y0)/l za = z0+dla*(z1-z0)/l xb = x0+(l-dlb)*(x1-x0)/l yb = y0+(l-dlb)*(y1-y0)/l zb = z0+(l-dlb)*(z1-z0)/l dla /= 2.0 dlb /= 2.0 xhla = xa-dla*(x1-x0)/l yhla = ya-dla*(y1-y0)/l zhla = za-dla*(z1-z0)/l xhra = xa+dla*(x1-x0)/l yhra = ya+dla*(y1-y0)/l zhra = za+dla*(z1-z0)/l xhlb = xb-dlb*(x1-x0)/l yhlb = yb-dlb*(y1-y0)/l zhlb = zb-dlb*(z1-z0)/l xhrb = xb+dlb*(x1-x0)/l yhrb = yb+dlb*(y1-y0)/l zhrb = zb+dlb*(z1-z0)/l x.append(xa) y.append(ya) z.append(za) xhl.append(xhla) yhl.append(yhla) zhl.append(zhla) xhr.append(xhra) yhr.append(yhra) zhr.append(zhra) x.append(xb) y.append(yb) z.append(zb) xhl.append(xhlb) yhl.append(yhlb) zhl.append(zhlb) xhr.append(xhrb) yhr.append(yhrb) zhr.append(zhrb) return x,y,z,xhl,yhl,zhl,xhr,yhr,zhr def def_points_in_segments(npt,x,y): n = len(x) t_len = [] l_tot = 0.0 for i0 in range(n): i1 = (i0+1) % n x0 = x[i0] y0 = y[i0] x1 = x[i1] y1 = y[i1] dl = math.sqrt((x0-x1)**2.0+(y0-y1)**2.0) t_len.append(dl) l_tot += dl t_cnt = [] n1 = 0 npt1 = npt-2*n for i in range(n): nadd = int(t_len[i]/l_tot*npt1)+2 t_cnt.append(nadd) n1 += nadd if n1 != npt: for i in range(n): t_cnt[i] += 1 n1 += 1 if n1 == npt: break return t_cnt def get_length(obj): lcurv = 0.0 mesh = obj.to_mesh() #print (dir(mesh)) vs = mesh.edges.values() #print (len(mesh.edges),len(vs),type(vs[0]),dir(vs[0])) for v in vs: x0 = mesh.vertices[v.vertices[0]].co.x y0 = mesh.vertices[v.vertices[0]].co.y z0 = mesh.vertices[v.vertices[0]].co.z x1 = mesh.vertices[v.vertices[1]].co.x y1 = mesh.vertices[v.vertices[1]].co.y z1 = mesh.vertices[v.vertices[1]].co.z dlcurv = math.sqrt((x0-x1)**2+(y0-y1)**2+(z0-z1)**2) lcurv += dlcurv #print (dlcurv,lcurv) return lcurv def define_cylinder (name, diameter, length, x, y, z, angx, angy , angz): # Create a simple cylinder. ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius = diameter/2.0, depth=length) # Get the cylinder object and rename it. cyl = context.object = name # Change the orientation of the cylinder. cyl.rotation_euler = (angx*deg2rad, angy*deg2rad, angz*deg2rad) # Change the location of the cylinder. cyl.location = (x, y, z) #print (dir(cyl)) return cyl # define a gate using 2 vertical cylinders on top of which we put an horizontal # cylinder. The gate is built using the union function of CSG (constructive solid geometry) def create_gate(name): cyl1 = define_cylinder ("Gate1", 0.5, 3.0 ,-5.0, 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0) cyl2 = define_cylinder ("Gate2", 0.5, 3.0 , 5.0, 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0) cyl3 = define_cylinder ("Gate3", 0.5, 9.5 , 0.0, 0.0, 2.75, 0.0, 90.0 , 0.0) cyl1.select_set(False) cyl2.select_set(False) cyl3.select_set(True) csg2 ="csg2", type="BOOLEAN") csg2.operation = "UNION" csg2.object=cyl2 ops.object.modifier_apply(apply_as='DATA', modifier='csg2') csg1 ="csg1", type="BOOLEAN") csg1.operation = "UNION" csg1.object=cyl1 ops.object.modifier_apply(apply_as='DATA', modifier='csg1') gate = context.active_object gate.select_set(False) cyl1.select_set(True) cyl2.select_set(True) ops.object.delete() gate.select_set(True) = name gate.rotation_euler = (90.0*deg2rad, 90.0*deg2rad, 0.0*deg2rad) #ops.transform.resize(value=(10.0, 10.0, 10.0)) return gate deg2rad = math.pi/180.0 # Get the track waypoints ncut,n,lpts = def_track_1() # Create a bezier circle and enter edit mode. ops.curve.primitive_bezier_circle_add (radius=1.0, location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), enter_editmode=False) # Subdivide the curve by a number of cuts ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') ops.curve.subdivide(number_cuts=ncut) # Return to object mode. ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') curve = context.active_object = 'TrackCenter' pts =[0].bezier_points npt = len(pts) xmin = lpts[0][0] ymin = lpts[0][1] zmin = lpts[0][2] xmax = xmin ymax = ymin zmax = zmin for i in range(len(pts)): pt = pts[i] x = lpts[i][0] y = lpts[i][1] z = lpts[i][2] = x = y = z print (i,,pt.handle_left,pt.handle_left_type) if x > xmax: xmax = x if x < xmin: xmin = x if y > ymax: ymax = y if y < ymin: ymin = y if z > zmax: zmax = z if z < zmin: zmin = z print (npt,"min,max",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax) ltrk_bez = get_length(curve) print ("track length",ltrk_bez) # define the basis track element that we slided along the track # it is a plane of 1x5 blender units (a cube could have been used too) ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add (location=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) base = context.active_object = 'TrackElement' ops.transform.resize(value=(1.0, 5.0, 1.0)) # set 5 units width # add an array modifier, it will add as many elements as needed to cover # the curve ma ='mod_array_' +, type="ARRAY") ma.fit_type = "FIT_CURVE" ma.curve = curve ma.relative_offset_displace = (1.0,0.0,0.0) # add a curve modifier to say what curve must be followed mc ='mod_curve_' +, type="CURVE") mc.object = curve # apply the modifiers ops.object.modifier_apply(apply_as='DATA', modifier='mod_array_TrackElement') ops.object.modifier_apply(apply_as='DATA', modifier='mod_curve_TrackElement') add_gates = True # Create gates. # we use the same principle , we place the gates along the curve every 100 units # by applying array and curve modifiers to a basic gate (created once) if add_gates: # create one basic gate gates = create_gate("GateElement") # Append modifiers. array_mod ='mod_array_', type='ARRAY') curve_mod ='mod_curve_', type='CURVE') # Array modifier properties. array_mod.fit_type = 'FIT_CURVE' array_mod.curve = curve array_mod.use_relative_offset = True distance_between_gates = 100.0 array_mod.relative_offset_displace = (0.0, distance_between_gates, 0.0) # Curve modifier properties. curve_mod.object = curve curve_mod.deform_axis = 'POS_X'