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vrep:build-lua-module-from-c [2023/03/31 12:14] (current) – created - external edit
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 +Back to [[vrep:main|V-REP Main Page]]
 +This page describes how, on Windows10, a new LUA module written in C can be added to V-REP.
 +V-REP uses version 5.1 of LUA but do not provide the files for development. So we first need to install our own LUA interpreter and then we show how to build an additional LUA module written in C.
 +==== 1 - Installing LUA ====
 +All versions of LUA can be downloaded from .
 +The code is [[|downloaded]] and decompressed, this should give a folder called ** lua-5.1.5**. A batch file **build.cmd** is used to build the LUA interpreter and libraries. It is a modified version of the [[| original build.cmd file]].
 +<code bat>
 +@echo off
 +:: ========================
 +:: file build.cmd
 +:: ========================
 +:: you may change the following variable's value
 +:: to suit the downloaded version
 +set lua_version=5.1.5
 +set work_dir=%~dp0
 +:: Removes trailing backslash
 +:: to enhance readability in the following steps
 +set work_dir=%work_dir:~0,-1%
 +set lua_install_dir=c:\lua
 +set compiler_bin_dir=c:\TDM-GCC-64\bin
 +set lua_build_dir=%work_dir%\lua-%lua_version%
 +set path=%compiler_bin_dir%;%path%
 +cd /D %lua_build_dir%
 +mingw32-make PLAT=mingw
 +:: create a clean "binary" installation
 +mkdir %lua_install_dir%
 +mkdir %lua_install_dir%\doc
 +mkdir %lua_install_dir%\bin
 +mkdir %lua_install_dir%\lib
 +mkdir %lua_install_dir%\include
 +copy %lua_build_dir%\doc\*.* %lua_install_dir%\doc\*.*
 +copy %lua_build_dir%\src\*.exe %lua_install_dir%\bin\*.*
 +copy %lua_build_dir%\src\*.dll %lua_install_dir%\bin\*.*
 +copy %lua_build_dir%\src\luaconf.h %lua_install_dir%\include\*.*
 +copy %lua_build_dir%\src\lua.h %lua_install_dir%\include\*.*
 +copy %lua_build_dir%\src\lualib.h %lua_install_dir%\include\*.*
 +copy %lua_build_dir%\src\lauxlib.h %lua_install_dir%\include\*.*
 +::copy %lua_build_dir%\src\lua.hpp %lua_install_dir%\include\*.*
 +copy %lua_build_dir%\src\liblua.a %lua_install_dir%\lib\*.*
 +copy %lua_install_dir%\bin\lua51.dll %lua_install_dir%\lib\liblua51.dll
 +%lua_install_dir%\bin\lua.exe -e"print [[Hello!]];print[[Simple Lua test successful!!!]]"
 +This code has to be modified depending on where your c compiler is and where you want LUA to be installed.
 +In the file **lua-5.1.5\src\Makefile**, the comment at end of line 51 should be moved to another place, for example :
 +<code Makefile>
 +$(LUA_A): $(CORE_O) $(LIB_O)
 + $(AR) $@ $(CORE_O) $(LIB_O)   # DLL needs all object files
 + $(RANLIB) $@
 +can be changed in :
 +<code Makefile>
 +# DLL needs all object files
 +$(LUA_A): $(CORE_O) $(LIB_O)
 + $(AR) $@ $(CORE_O) $(LIB_O)
 + $(RANLIB) $@
 +At the end of the execution of the build command, the following text should appear :
 +<code bash>
 +Simple Lua test successful!!!
 +Press any key to continue . . .
 +The **path** environment variable can be set to use directly the LUA interpreter :
 +<code batch>
 +C:\Users\Me>setx path "%path%;c:\lua\bin"
 +Then the LUA interpreter can be simply used by typing **lua** in the command line :
 +<code batch>
 +Lua 5.1.5  Copyright (C) 1994-2012, PUC-Rio
 +> a=2
 +> b=3
 +> print (a*b)
 +> ^C
 +To quit, type Ctrl-C.
 +==== 2 - Installing "pack" module ====
 +Many LUA additional modules can be found [[|here]]
 +First we get the source code of [[|lpack]]
 + module for LUA 5.1 and decompress it.
 +A new **Makefile** is defined as follows : 
 +<code Makefile>
 +LIBFLAG= -shared 
 +RM= del
 +all: test
 +lpack.o: lpack.c
 + gcc -I$(LUA_INCDIR) -c lpack.c
 +pack.dll: lpack.o
 + gcc -o pack.dll $(LIBFLAG) lpack.o -L$(LUA_LIBDIR) -llua51
 + $(RM) pack.dll lpack.o
 +test: pack.dll test.lua
 + lua test.lua
 +Then, we build and test the **pack** module using this new **Makefile** :
 +<code batch>
 +C:\Users\Me\pack>mingw32-make PLAT=mingw
 +gcc -Ic:\lua\include -c lpack.c
 +gcc -o pack.dll -shared  lpack.o -Lc:\lua\lib -llua51
 +lua test.lua
 +1B4C75615100010404040800        12
 +false   12
 +13      27      Lua     81      0                                     0
 +13      314159265       314159265       314159265
 +25      3.14159265      3.14159265      3.14159265
 +The last thing to do is to copy the module in the V-REP folder :
 +<code batch>
 +C:\Users\Me\pack>copy pack.dll "c:\Program Files\V-REP3\V-REP_PRO_EDU\"
 +==== 2 - useful links ====
 +Here are some useful links used to add LUA modules to V-REP.
 +  * IDE : [[|codelite]] and it's [[||wiki]]
 +  * gcc compiler : [[|TDM-GCC 9.2.0]]
 +  * decompress tar.gz : [[|7zip]] 
 +  * creating a DLL : [[|mingw example]]
 +  * installing LUA on Windows :[[| wiki]] 
 +  * command line arguments :[[|parameters explained]]
 +  * Alternate gcc compiler (not used) : [[|mingw-w64]] and how to  [[|setup]]
 +  * simple LUA module : [[|hello world!]]
 +  * adding functionalities to LUA : [[|list of modules]]