====== Main Info Page ====== This site is a collection of information on installing and running stuff on Ubuntu. It will be feed by putting in the wiki notes in text files. The first topics will be dedicated to V-REP, docker and accessing the VPN * [[vrep:main#v1|V-REP]] * [[ros:main-ros#1|Robot Operating System - ROS]] * [[gazebo:main#v1|gazebo]] * [[nao:python-prog#1|Programming NAO in Python]] * [[electro:main-electronics#1|Electronics and micro-controllers]] * [[linux:main-linux#1|linux]] * [[network:main#v1|Network Stuff]] * [[git:main-git#1|git]] * [[video:video-streaming#1|video and streaming]] * [[docker:main#v1|Docker]] * [[vm:main#v1|Virtual Machines on Linux]] * [[venvpy:main#v1|Virtual Environments in Python]]