Back to [[vrep:blender_help-design|Blender Help Design]] Here we split the mesh of a full wheel in two meshes : * a mash for the tyre * a mesh for the rim import bpy import bmesh import os import math # debug function def print_mesh (object_name): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') o =[object_name] o.select_set(True) #print (dir(o)) #print (o.type) me = o.to_mesh() #print (dir(me)) print (len(me.vertices),"vertices (3 points in space)") print (len(me.edges) ,"edges (reference 2 vertices)") print (len(me.loops) , "loops (reference a single vertex and edge)") print (len(me.polygons) , "polygons (reference a range of loops)") for ip in range(len(me.polygons)): poly = me.polygons[ip] #print("Polygon index: %d, length: %d" % (poly.index, poly.loop_total)) # range is used here to show how the polygons reference loops, # for convenience 'poly.loop_indices' can be used instead. for loop_index in range(poly.loop_start, poly.loop_start + poly.loop_total): iv = me.loops[loop_index].vertex_index vert = me.vertices[iv] x = y = z = print(" Polygon: %d Vertex: %d , x=%.3f, y=%.3f, z=%.3f" % (ip,iv,x,y,z)) def select_part_of_mesh (object_name, part): o =[object_name] me = bm = # create an empty BMesh bm.from_mesh(me) # fill it in from a Mesh xmin = None # find bounding box for f in bm.faces: for v in f.verts: x = y = z = if xmin is None: xmin = x xmax = xmin ymin = y ymax = ymin zmin = z zmax = zmin if x > xmax: xmax = x if x < xmin: xmin = x if y > ymax: ymax = y if y < ymin: ymin = y if z > zmax: zmax = z if z < zmin: zmin = z xm = (xmax+xmin)/2.0 ym = (ymax+ymin)/2.0 zm = (zmax+zmin)/2.0 print ("xm = %.3f, ym = %.3f, zm = %3f"%(xm,ym,zm)) fsel = [] nf = len(bm.faces) nrm = 0 for f in bm.faces: dorm = False for v in f.verts: #v = me.vertices[iv] #print (,v.index) d = math.sqrt((**2.0+(**2.0) if part == "Tyre": if d < 0.024: dorm = True elif part == "Rim": if d > 0.028: dorm = True if math.fabs( < math.fabs(ym): dorm = True if dorm: nrm += 1 fsel.append(f) f.select_set print (nrm,"removed out of",nf) bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=fsel, context="FACES") # Finish up, write the bmesh back to the mesh bm.to_mesh(me) # free and prevent further access o.select_set(False) tnm1 = ["ar_d","ar_g","av_d","av_g"] tnm2 = ["Ar D","Ar G","Av D","Av G"] for inm in range(4): nm1 = tnm1[inm] nm2 = tnm2[inm] wheel_stl = "roue_%s.stl"%(nm1) wheel_name = "Roue %s"%(nm2) rim_stl = "jante_%s.stl"%(nm1) rim_name = "Jante %s"%(nm2) tyre_stl = "pneu_%s.stl"%(nm1) tyre_name = "Pneu %s"%(nm2) create = True if create: path = "/home/newubu/Teach/ue42modrob/modrob/3d-models/rc_car" file_stl = os.path.join(path,wheel_stl) bpy.ops.import_mesh.stl(filepath=file_stl) template_object =[wheel_name] bpy.ops.object.duplicate() o = bpy.context.active_object = tyre_name bpy.ops.object.duplicate() o = bpy.context.active_object = rim_name # split the wheel in rim + Tyre object_name = tyre_name part = "Tyre" select_part_of_mesh (object_name, part) object_name = rim_name part = "Rim" select_part_of_mesh (object_name, part) context = bpy.context scene = context.scene viewlayer = context.view_layer # deselect all obs = [o for o in scene.objects if o.type == 'MESH'] bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') path = "/home/newubu/Teach/ue42modrob/modrob/3d-models/rc_car" o =[tyre_name] print ("export",,"in",tyre_stl) = o o.select_set(True) file_stl = os.path.join(path,tyre_stl) bpy.ops.export_mesh.stl(filepath=file_stl,use_selection=True) o.select_set(False) o =[rim_name] print ("export",,"in",rim_stl) = o o.select_set(True) file_stl = os.path.join(path,rim_stl) bpy.ops.export_mesh.stl(filepath=file_stl,use_selection=True) o.select_set(False) Back to [[blender:main-blender-split-bmesh|top]].