Back to [[vrep:blender_help-design|Blender Help Design]] The example shows how to build a gate by combining 3 cylinders : two vertical and one horizontal. The combination is computed with CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry). The CSG has 3 basic operations : union, intersection and difference. Here we will use the union to get a mesh that corresponds to the union of the 3 meshes. First we create 3 simple cylinders ([[blender:main-blender-simple-shapes|see here for details]]. Then we select only the third cylinder **cyl3** on which we add a modifier called **csg2** to make the union with **cyl2**. After we do the same with **cyl1** using **csg1** modifier. The result is renamed **Gate** and is stored in **gate** Python variable . To clean the scene, the objects **cyl1** and **cyl2** are deleted as we do not need them any more. Finally we can apply some transformations. Here we apply 2 operations : rotation and scaling. def create_gate(): cyl1 = define_cylinder ("Gate1", 0.5, 3.0 ,-5.0, 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0) cyl2 = define_cylinder ("Gate2", 0.5, 3.0 , 5.0, 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0) cyl3 = define_cylinder ("Gate3", 0.5, 9.5 , 0.0, 0.0, 2.75, 0.0, 90.0 , 0.0) cyl1.select_set(False) cyl2.select_set(False) cyl3.select_set(True) csg2 ="csg2", type="BOOLEAN") csg2.operation = "UNION" csg2.object=cyl2 ops.object.modifier_apply(apply_as='DATA', modifier='csg2') csg1 ="csg1", type="BOOLEAN") csg1.operation = "UNION" csg1.object=cyl1 ops.object.modifier_apply(apply_as='DATA', modifier='csg1') gate = context.active_object gate.select_set(False) cyl1.select_set(True) cyl2.select_set(True) ops.object.delete() gate.select_set(True) = "Gate" gate.rotation_euler = (90.0*deg2rad, 90.0*deg2rad, 0.0*deg2rad) ops.transform.resize(value=(10.0, 10.0, 10.0)) return gate Back to [[blender:main-blender-csg-union-shapes|top]].