
Small system

Small System is a system modeling environment with an event driven simulator developed by D. Picard.

Small system produces temporal views of system activity (Gantt, etc.).

The figures below represents an activation of accelerated function with a RSOC. System activities are on the first three lines (memory to local Deta Exchange Buffer and back), DEB local reading appears in red, DEB local storing in green and the blue box highlights the computation itself.


Another view SmallSystem provides is a dependency graph as shown bellow.


The System simulator is highly cynergetic with the netlist simulator. An accurate vision of the global process is provided by coupling the event based simulation of the system activity and the CABA simulation of the application under test, that is implemented on a reconfigurable IP.

Interaction - DUT

The System/IP interaction appears as a mock object that mimics the system isr/ack from the IP point of view.

This is done by scripting sensibility/reaction pairs. From a practical point of view, the mock object appears as a generated verilog wrapper making use of the assert keywork.

Mainstream tool compliant solution


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